Sarah Smiles, Sarah Bites

Alright, if you don't know me yet, this is probably not a good idea. There are safe places out there for you. Otherwise, here's what I've been up to.
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Saturday, December 16, 2000

Ok, then the next question. Assuming that drinking blood is not much more difficult than uncorking your local doner, if Vampires have to be un-dead... how do you account for yourself?
Choose one of the following reasons defining yourself as un-dead or a revenant.
1) I was dead, and I'm back.
2) Accident that did or probably did render me temporarily dead.
3) Death is just a state of mind, and I moved to that state.
4) According to this is not necessary.
5) Let's not go there.
6) I'm not sure.

posted by Sarah Smiles Saturday, December 16, 2000
Ok, I admit that the image to the left is NOT that of an alien vampire. But then again, what is?
I got asked the question, again, "What is a vampire?" So I made up a list of questions based around the notion that there are some basic criteria for a vampire.
1) Vampires must be un-dead or a revenant;
2) Vampires must drink blood to continue animated existence, or they're merely just undead, or ex-vampires, or expires for short;
3) Vampires must get blood from humans or animals, not from the kitchen.
4) Those who don't meet criterian 1-3 are something else.
That's about it. It leaves a lot open to conjecture. It leaves a lot open to superstition, mystery, the occult, mag/jic/k. Everyone I know could fit into those criteria. But for god's sake, we have to have guidelines.

posted by Sarah Smiles Saturday, December 16, 2000

Friday, December 15, 2000

After last night's poetric exhultations, I'm laying low... reading Summer's "vampire in europe" and the Stoker biography.
There's a lot to be said for doing some self study, and learning about how people supose things to be.

Now, a few hours later, I have finished reading the biography. Many amazing things, like the links between the vampire and Irish culture and myths, and the cholera epidemics. But over-all, it is disappointing. It is a biography of Henry Irving, his boss, told through Stoker's life. I wish I had more of him, even if he was a bore, and less of Irving, and other people the author uses to try and show that Stoker was 'in with the in crowd.'

posted by Sarah Smiles Friday, December 15, 2000
The poem of the night... I leave you with my latest deprication "Decayed Expectations"
Close-couched divinations cast
cruel bones on infectious desires
as the feral chorus gambols for
the soiled, patched robes of a
makeshift deity not worth crucifying.
Stripped pink and naked, but for
sun burnt face and hands, blood seeps
from a self-inflicted scrape below
your breast, as your homemade
crown of barbwire thorns slowly unravels:
bride stripped bare, gashed
hymen's memory of luscious autumnal blood
flowing tears, broken by
the lash of unspoken regret.
Decayed expectations hover
hallowed; lost spirits of
vampiral longings crow laments
to Dionysian rapes of sidereal fancy.
Your eyes, sunken in victim's retreat,
scout the lost horizons, a broken
survivor of inhuman longing,
separated from eternity by
suburban mysteries of
injected rock star mythologies.
I kiss your bloodied tears of a
suicide's regret; cup your
quivering breast in my ruddy claws
in a lover's caress; break your heart
with spoken words of censure
at your immortal longings
for an endless tomorrow.
Our lips quiver, together touching
casual skin too often shared
in panicked musings of another
night of repentant justification.
Our bodies, naked but for our
concealed horrors, hearts
laid bare when my mind caresses
the stories of your sordid loves.
Skin touches skin, eyes touch eyes,
windowing souls broken under the
weight of a memory of posthumous
regard. Your sex, my sex, stalled
by the history of passed passion;
my tongue speak new words
of silent passion to your ecstasy
screams of joy.

posted by Sarah Smiles Friday, December 15, 2000

Thursday, December 14, 2000

Looking at Nathan/Morapheum's Shadow. It is SO nice when people take care of their poetry and give it some thought and respect. I wish he spent more time checking the pictures. I notice that though the poetry is thoughtfully edited, and all the pictures of him work, the pictures of the cute girl at the bottom is a broken link. Is he trying to tell us something? or her? Hmmmm....
It is far too tough for me to read a whole story online, let alone an essy, so they will have to stay for another time. But I must say that when someone honestly presents themselves to the world, you get a feeling for it. That's why I love personal web pages... Thanks Nathan.
Other news? Well, the image is broken sort of, but it is cute. ShortGoth was teasing me about my stealing this picture. I guess I need my own copyrighted pictures. Don't you? SIGN MY BLOODY GUEST BOOK!

posted by Sarah Smiles Thursday, December 14, 2000

Wednesday, December 13, 2000

Wow. I spent a bit of the evening visiting Spazz and everyone on his virtual environment. It is a strange experience to meet people who have heard of you, but you have not met. Very weird.
posted by Sarah Smiles Wednesday, December 13, 2000

Tuesday, December 12, 2000

Ifound a wonderful site. I was visiting the links at
Sarah's VDA site voting page (To vote for this page click on the big black link below.). One of the links it is to blood and coffee by the insubordinate kelandris. From there I found the link I want to mention Need I say more?

After losing most of a bloody good blog last night, I've started writing my journal in a notepad, and pasting it here. It is amazing how slowly I learn.

posted by Sarah Smiles Tuesday, December 12, 2000
Don't forget to check out yesterday's postings. They're much more interesting that what happened today. Just click on the numbers from 7 to 12.4 on the left. 12.2 = the second week of december. I'm going to get a better strategy for 2001. I promise.

Saint SG thought that Durham Red is a lass of similar stuff to me, see the new icon to the left. Sweet. I wish! But I do like her style, and choice of dinner partners: those who wish, and those who deserve to leave life behind. But perhaps Dolores (see yesterday) is the woman for me. There are problems with a woman who men fear, though. Dolores is adored, and feared, not protected, but she's still isolated, on the fringes, with no voice of her own. I have a voice! And teeth to go with them.
I've been reading a biography of Bram Stoker, sent, along with the Summers book I mentioned a couple of days ago. Stoker's friends and family were SO cool. He was friends with Oscar Wilde's parents wrote wonderful sounding books on Irish mystical wierdness. I never even knew that there was a female Irish vampire called Dearg-due ('red blood sucker'). So, perhaps if the Jewish side of me can't provide a progenitor the Irish can. Oh, and Sheridan Le Fanu was the owner of a paper that Stoker was the theatre critic for. Le Fanau wrote "Carmilla". To me, the interesting point was that they were both Protestants. A power elite in a Catholic country. When I read Dracula, I felt the same quaint distain for the locals that those two would have felt for the 'superstitious' Catholics. And Stoker's first story drafts were about cholera epidemic and faery stories in Sligo County, Ireland, as his mother used to tell him.. Coool! More research required, I don't know if the Irish side of my family was catholic at the time or not.

posted by Sarah Smiles Tuesday, December 12, 2000

Monday, December 11, 2000

Cest moi: The Lady of Pain: Swinburne's "Dolores". Such a cutting venomous mouth.
posted by Sarah Smiles Monday, December 11, 2000

Sunday, December 10, 2000

I just posted the poem I've been working on, to the other V. group I belong to: eGroups : vampire-discussion. It will piss someone off. I sometimes get the feeling that there's an undercurrent of eurocentricism in the V. community. Not enough funk. Here it is. I can't dance, but I can... hmmm.

[Apologies in advance to people with good taste. I got started, and couldn't stop. Thanks to my friend Michele for providing me with move rhyming words... something like 120.]

Immortal House

Castigated through divine invective,
by another trying to be protective,
of friends and members of her own collective,
I'm shattered living now a life restrictive
sterile, fascicle, feeling radioactive
body broken never reproductive:
immortality is something just vindictive.

Immortality: something that's just subjective;
to some it would something quite attractive,
to those who haven't got the right perspective
a divine continuum misdirective.

Without mortality to be corrective,
generational disconnective,
we'd have a world that was just too disruptive
trillion people all so interjective
living forever would be so massive
but everything would soon be stupefactive
bored to a death that would be so abstractive
forced to live a live that's architective
there'd be no space or room that's more conductive
to a future cause there no prospective
nothing left except the introspective
passive stagnant life that is just inactive.

Immortality is maledictive
even though it's sometimes so seductive
but if you wanna be more productive
try not to live a live that's so neglective
of friends and family be more constructive
and love and live and laugh, it's just instinctive.

Copyright 2000 S^2

posted by Sarah Smiles Sunday, December 10, 2000
I spent the evening on ICQ chatting with *Princess*. This wonderful lass who carries her castle in her heart, has broken from the fetters of her medieval prision, and fled to a new palace, apparently full of wonderful courtiers and friends and festive light. My dull rainy evening seems brighter when ever her enthusiasm comes to me over the net.
I certainly never went to any highschool like that!

And I'm working on some really baaad poetry. Getting fun. Thanks to Michele who gave me a rhyming good time.

Oh, before I forgette I joined the 'VDA top 25'. If you like my page, click on the link below and vote for it. Thanks!!!

posted by Sarah Smiles Sunday, December 10, 2000
Hello Everyone.
I am just testing to see if I can still know how to use this blog.
You can not notice me.

posted by Esme von Nice Sunday, December 10, 2000
This man is a peach: It makes you want to put up with 15 frames, and 2 pop up windows of advertizements.
posted by Sarah Smiles Sunday, December 10, 2000
close up of Durham Red illustrated by Mark Harrison

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